One of the groups that presented was GLADS Q, and their goal was to lower HIV deaths nation and worldwide. They started out with the history of HIV telling us that it evolved from SIV a disease simular to HIV but in monkeys. At first symptoms may appear such as fevers, flu, and a rash but after that they can stop appearing for years. HIV is a horrible disease that attacks your immune system which makes you more susceptible too colds but your body has no natural defense against it.
Treatment for HIV/AIDS as evolved. Back in the 80s it was a death sentence, but now there are plenty of people living with HIV but the problem is to stop the spread of the disease. 2.7 million people were diagnosed with HIV last year. Another thing talked about was that Washington d.c is known as the aids capitol of the country with ¼ people have HIV. 1/10 Howard students are currently living with HIV as well.
According to GLADS Q Education seems to be the best way to combat the problem. People need to be informed about the risks, statistics, and the protection measures that they should be taking. Statistics show that sex education has caused a significant reduction in AIDS cases. They informed us about Wold Aids day. At the end of the day what they stressed was the need for protection while having sex as well as the benefits of sex education in preventing future cases of HIV.
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