Sunday, September 5, 2010

I always thought of Egypt as the first great civilization, but I didn't know how much it contributed to the other great civilizations of the world, mainly the greeks. Much of the greeks discoveries from religion, toArchitecture, to art, to math and science you can trace back to Egyptian culture and inititive.

The greek god hermes was originally derived from an Egyptian god they just changed the name and the image of the god.

Egyptian architecture was the first to use collumns which is why it still stands tall today. their monuments have lasted for thousands of years, such as their pyramids, the sphinx's and many obelisk's. which were stolen from the lands of Egypt and given as gifts. looking at the architecture you can see the similarities between Egyptian and Greek architecture.

If you look at art in the first 100 years of the Greek empire you can see similarities between theirs and Egyptian art.

Astronomy is where egypt made many of their big discoveries, the pyrimids are set up to correspond with differnt positions of the sun, and over the picture of the scribe is an instrument that was used to measure the positions of the stars.

the Greeks say many times that the land of Egypt is where they go to get educated but they never sited their work. the Egyptians passed on knowledge to the Greeks, and from them it was passed on to the rest of the world.

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