Sunday, September 26, 2010

This week in seminar class was very interesting and informative to me. Dr. Cain Hope Felder gave us great insight to freedom, justice, and some history on Sojourner Truth. Dr. Cain explained how Jesus is the epitomizer of Freedom. According to Dr. Cain, “Freedom is the opportunity to make choices.” He stressed that we as human have the power to make a difference, just some are given to much power and abuse their authority. Also, “ Justice is about things being balance and fair” says Dr. Felder. I was never aware of the true history that lies within the bible. He gave us a few biblical verse to follow up if we were really interested in understanding the truths of the bible and Traveling Biblical Waters. Sojourner Truth is something that I heard of but new truly understood it. It has been one of those things that in high school they expected me to know but never took the time to explain and teach me. Dr. Felder went into great depth of the corruption that is in within the church. The truth is, the teachings on the bible has change for what is was when it was originated. We have to take time to research and understand things for ourselves. Dr Cain also stated that, “We are the people the day before yesterday and potential to be people of the day after tomorrow.” With this I have to take the initiative to be all that I can be and not settle for great. I have to strive to be better than what I am. There shouldn’t be any limits.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Cain Hope Felder's lecture left a little salt in my mouth. I understand that many things in the church are corrupt but coming from a very religious background I never like to discuss politics or religion. No one ever comes out of the discussion happy and at the end of the day the other will always feel the same. I understand over the course of centuries that the bible will be mixed up, crossed, and switched to empower certain types of people but I cannot change what I have been taught. I did take from his lecture the impact of Freedom and gained more knowledge on Sojourner Truth seeing as in h.s. the usual African Americans they talk about are Martin Luther King and Malcom X in history class. I was more intuned with freedom and how with freedom I can have an impact upon my community even the nation if I took it with full force and not shy from the fact that my ancestors worked hard to be a part of the constitution. I should deny myself with the fact that I am free I have no limitations if I use my freedom wisely. The only part of my life that is not free is the fact that I am not opinion to talk down upon my religion because without there is no me regardless if the white man used it to corrupt my knowledge my mentality is set in stone.
    Charderah Patterson
