Friday, December 3, 2010

Although I had heard of, and grown up knowing names such as Sojourner truth, but the little I knew I learned I learned at home. At school they were always glanced over in class when we talked about them in school, as if it was a shameful. one thing not mentioned about Sojourner truth is the fact that she fought for womens rights as well as an end to slavery. Sojourner Truth is just one of many African ancestors who have fought for freedom. the fact that i did not know that my education did not focus on Sojourner truth and shows me that education and history is not tailored to our people. It made me think of how we as a people are discounted and pushed to the side, a if we are Americas secret shame. Why else would you not teach American's about the deeds of Sojourner Truth. Why else our are our faults, and problems displayed and discussed on the news but our contributions ignored and overlooked. This Why else our taught about the problems in the black community but not all the good that has come from it. This presentation made me realize how lucky I was to grow up in household that discussed the good that blacks have given to this would, and the good that I can contribute to better the world and our reputation. As I listened I found my self feeling more pride in our community as people were introduced to relatives they should have known their whole life.

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