Friday, December 3, 2010

Freshman seminar has taken me on a journey. One that I am lucky to have taken it taught us about the greatness of the African people. It started with our beginnings in ancient egypt. The invention of language and architecture that the Egyptians gave to the Greeks we were told how the Egyptians came up with the set of values that would later evolve into what we know now as the ten commandments. We learned about the human genome and how we are all connected. We learned that we were unique and special. We learned that through our DNA we are connected to the greats like MLK that all we are are energy fields, and if the secrets of the genome could be unlocked then we could cure all diseases and make medicines tailor made for each patient. We learned about character and how althought we expres the need for great character the Egyptian, again were the first and that they valued it far more then we do. Through the story of Iwa we learned that they held their gods to the same standards that they held t each other. Through the group project I learned skills that will help me not just in college but in the work place as well. We learned how to look at a problem from many different angles and disciplines. We also learned about the African burial grounds which were our people trying to keep their culture in a horrible situation. Learning of there perseverance, of our perseverance allowed me to hold myhead up higher and have more pride in my people.

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